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Chiho Ikeda is an embroidery artist from Osaka, Japan. As she learned traditional British stitching techniques at Royal School of Needlework in the United Kingdom, she encountered this unique form called Blackwork Embroidery, which creates geometric patterns by using only black thread.
Although Chiho mastered all the skills overseas, her heart was connected to her homeland so deeply that she unconsciously added authentic essence of Japan to her style. She discovered that the endless stitch work with a needle and thread would lead to Zen mindfulness, and monochromatic expression with black color was similar to Japanese calligraphy.
The more Chiho created, the more she became fascinated with the beauty of stitch itself; this made her transit from a traditional figurative artist to an abstract modern artist.
The repetitive manual labor of stitching puts her in a meditative state. She starts communicating with ancestors in her own spiritual world, where she can get rid of all the moving thoughts and emotions in order to stabilize her mind. This process is very important to her, because then she can pour pure energy and beauty into her artwork.
Chiho chooses installation as a form of art, as she believes that her work starts evolving when combined with the energy of viewers in the tranquil exhibit space. If they feel empowered, her mission is accomplished.